okay so yeahhh fudge all you people who was HATING on BRITNEY or still is!! who you know hotter?! or lemme rephraze that Whitney the so called QUEEN cannot get as much publicity as Britney did on her meltdown she was making $$$ for doing shit...and people are still anticipating her BIG COMEBACK!! and ima say ive been a fan since the 9O`s - she was the 1st CD i ever brought . also with her 1st interview in 2yrs!! she is getting more buzz than ever being the TOP SEARCH CELEBRITY on the INTERNET and also she is doing the VMAS promo - sooo we can expect the old britney back riiiighhh?? well check out the VMA [ Ima slave for you ] performance && stay tunned for your BRITNEY ADDiCTi0N !!
"one word no - one word hell no?!" was that a diss from weak ass kid rock?! the same dusty ass old ass shitty ass kid rock who has to go on Runs House or take Run on tour just to fill seats?! oo yeahh that kid rock grow some got damn balls before you talk shit or matter of fact lets try to sale as much records as Britney you premature crack baby!!