so rumor has it ONCE AGAIN!! that LIL MISS SUNSHINE and SIR KISS KISS are ENGAGED!! since she has been seen rocking a diamond pendant on her "LOVE" tatted finger!! Rihanna and Chris brown of course is TIGHT LIPPED about the whole situation . which is understandable, this is their job its about the MUSIC and getting their Business around . as for the MARRIAGE rumor i would say give it a couple of more years, rihanna said in "10 YEARS she would want to have had KIDS and a FASHION line under her belt x her career but much BIGGER!!" seeing how the two are so young, and are both on top of the music game i dont think this ring is anything more than a mere GIFT, from a friend or maybe even CHRIS BROWN himself..we may never know!! one things for sure these two are HOT TOGETHER!!
he CARRIES her DOG ; she POPS his PIMPLES ; he PROTECTS her ; they smile & make music together . the EPITOME of LOVE :)