so as weak as my day has been i got on the computer enjoying my day off [ thanks to asya for trading days with me - or should i thank her moms appointment && asya's baby?!!? lol ] anyways like i said i ecided to get onto the computer and look for new stuff to talk about or blog about that shxt feelll threw so i decided to hit up some RIHANNA SITES of course i do this alot seeing how i love the mess outta this phenom!! so what i did find out was that [ rihanna - miley cyrus - beyonce - ashanti ] is supposing doing a cancer song - its not about cancer but the cause is STAND UP FOR CANCER!! and than after i saw miley cyrus i got disgusted and hit up a rihanna site which said that TODAY!! AUG. 20th, 20O8 log onto Circuit City [ K ] !!! and chat live with rihanna aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargggggggggggg so knowing me i made a profile and i had wrote my question and thought about it....keep in mind i was already pretty skept` because of the forum i had to write in...soo i get there and there are hella post but NO RIHANNA than 1 hour late [ from the time they said ] this so called Rihanna logged in - idk if it was really her or not [ cause there was two Rihanna's on there ] so the rihanna everybody thought was real [ because she answered some of the questions ] answered only 5 to the max questions : one being what is your fave color - when if you were a REAL FAN you would have already known the answer because Rihanna been discussed that her fave color was Green . so she shouldnt have even wasted her breath to read that shxt and than some typical "Wazsup's to soome lame - oo's" well not really lames but shxt could the question she have picked not have beennn pretty retorical!!!! answer some questions like "if you could buy anything to save the world what would it be and why" or "do you have any fave charities" or "who is your fave designers?!" or "would you wear indie designers?!" seeing how i am indie and i love rihanna i would make her something..... && on top of that the questions took about 20 mins apart to answer like there was a big time gap..and than she was gone after the 5...but it was pretty lame and people wasted mins which turned into sad and lonely HOURS!! C'mon if that was the real Rihanna could she at least took some time away from barbados && Chris to talk to us?! or at least answer some relevant none dumb questions :( i am hella sad even tho i only knew about this shxt for an hour or sooo..now yall can really see that i have an rihanna addiction [ no homo ] i juss been supporting her since 2005!! shxxxxxxxxxxxxt she is just amazin`...hmm circuit city [ k ] !! fuxked up!!