so according to OK! Magazine and their "faux-mosexual" titled article Lindsay Lohan is having MAJOR ISSUES making up her mind . saying that Majority of the Arguments and or Fight is caused by Lindsay wanting some Dxck!! her girlfriend [ Boyfriend ] Samantha Ronson is of course like all beaus jealous and pissed that Lindsay cant make up her mind!! an insider has said "Lindsay has to be the center of attention, or she'll flirt with other guys to make Sam jealous." hmmm wait, if shes not the center of Sam`s world why dont she just flirt with GIRLS why would sam be jealous of GUYS!?! hey i am just saying!! Sakura just dont get it..is lindsay Lezzy Bi or just in need of ATTENNTIIOOONN?!

btw dammmmmmmmmmmmmmn sam has some BIG FEET ^^^ you know what that means right!?! ooo wait shes not a man!! lol