so i have an interiview with FIDM COLLEGE this friday && somehow i am nervous as heck!! i dont even know why cause this is what i really want!! so ive been on my shit for the past 2days [ yess i got called 2 days ago ] and yes my interview is on friday @ 12:30 lol major shitz!! like $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ situation - Entrance project?! - Transpertation...worrying about getting into that L0AN SiTUATiON omg a bunch of bleeeeeeeep!! But what I really liked about the situation was talking to my advisor she's been sooo nice from O6 - Now :] you go girl!! And when she sent me an email the end was like "if your doing what you love you'll never have to work a day in your life" I don't know if that's exactly how it goes cause I've could've sworn there was the word "Career" in there and you know I sat and looked at that email and that line for a good while and thought "HEYYY THAT IS SO RIGHTT!!" because I wake up for work like "ughh another boring day" and go in like "mann I'm ready to go home" but with Fashion and clothing I'm estatic to even put the Fabric on my Form even before I start sewing or before I sit down it just excites me to go through the whole Fabric Shopping process!! So I am READY and I am WILLING so badd that ill take out these damn LOANS!!! So hopefully the next time I read this post [ after graduating ;) it would have all been well worth it!! ]
&& this is another place i find inspiration .

and somehow - you know i had to post a few pics of my fave thang Rihanna ... damn will her fire ever fade!! she is juss a fashion Mogul which i wanna be!! but she looks really good..&& her n beau chris is back in the states this shot && others was taking right here in Los ANgeles, CA . i really admire her looks and this is where i find new idea for my line .

i think ima try to re-make a dress like this probably something more sassy!!
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