soo ive been making getting into shape plans for soooo long but school shit and work shit has been having me all tied up . seriously like a knot x stressing && eating healthy does NOT work!! and im not gon lie, im just like Kim Kardashian i would love to eat Sweets & pizza everyday but in the long run its not good for U - but its good for your stress binge & time of the month . && i am not TOUGH like Beyonce, Ashanti, Trina, && Nicole [ from PCD ] - so i am not going on the Master Cleanse . but as Kimberly Kardashian would say lets "Game On" staying // getting in shape is as important as having your homework on the assigned day . it can give U nasty and yucky complications which is not good - ESPECIALLY if you are expecting // wanting to live a long life . this is not just for Over Weight people its for all people if you are skinny and eating Junk Food & drinking soda everyday you are not living a Healthy Lifestyle . so this is not about - so to say Losing Weight, but its all about becoming Healthy and of course you'll get Kodos benifits like Clear Skin, Weight Loss, More Energy, and maybe even more compliments lol . nothing to HARD start off small .
1 . set your mind frame to saying "i want to live && become more Healthier" or another motto U feel is weight goal appropriate .
2 . always plan ahead if you are going to work know your schedule and take a LUNCH and your SNACKS .
3 . always eat regularly spaced meals - me personally never tried this shit but i heard Rihanna does it and look how she looks lol
and if you know more than feel free to share them .
so Kimberly Kardashian, i am all GAME - BITCHES!!