Saturday, August 16, 2008

* . Chanel - Iman x R . Leslie ?

okay so what is this ishh i hear about lil miss Ford Model & attack the beat master?! they are collabing?! ooo my that is like sooo...well wait we cannont hate Chanel Iman & Ryan Leslie are eQually pretty!! sometimes she looks like a duck to mee & sometime he look a little too much like himself?! lol but they do look Cute!! and we don't exactly know Chanels taste but i knew Ryan liked them EXTRA skinny yupp i seen him checkin out Cassie specially after all them tracks they did 2gether!! okay && who cares if i am late this is soome effin news to meeee!! but it could be overly media - sized [ Leslie is 11yrs Chanel`s senior - the Girl wont be 19 until Dec.!! ] so until than i will not jump to conclusions!! but she looks soo cute in these pics i love her outfit xx shes wearing glasses && looking like she really doesnt want to be seen nor want to be out on that date...maybe its just that time of the month?? im just saying...maybe shes going to be in his next video?! we may never know