dont beat me up or slander my name, bruhh!! its a vote or die situation, if you feel any different than you can vote . hmm, but i can say and will say ; that The Game has held his own weight and he is representing my homestate our homestate we all love lol "California" . with the whole 50 cent mishaps - the whole he cant make an album without dre bullshit - court drama - UN`loyal fans and shit . he has came through this whole thing and survived . with LAX on the way [ damn bby how long do i have to wait lol ] and his recent "Retirment Plan" [ which is sooooo GOOD he wants to take care of his two sons ] we can say that this MCee has graduated from "Gangsta" to a "Gentlemen" . specially with him opening up about not being to into "Violence" thats really big seeing how he was in a GANG and still claims the GANG!! he refers to the RAP game as a place of business [ he didnt say this i am lol ] instead of a BOXING RING!! he rather make music to help the kids out of their problems, than to cause any himself . which is really big in my eyes seeing how 50 cent cant take criticism and is bashing anyone who bashes him which can lead to a life long bashing a more violent stance and or death and jail . in his recent interview with ON DEMAND//MUSIC CHOICE he opens up and you can see that comming from a Violent Situation and following his dreams really mean something to him . i know you know how it feels when being a kid you see Britney Spears on the tv and you think that its all good and gravy her life and or she is perfect and how you wanna go to hollywood - but when you get there Britney Shaved her head, she smokes Cigg's, and Hollywood has Trash on the streets and Homeless people . thats how it is now with The Game, he dreamed the image to be sooo wonderful the rap life, people connecting like the NWA days to only find that the RAP GAME - aint the SAME . its a battle field and you gotta earn your stripes!! but if you dont think that this man aka my future husband lol is deserving of an award than screw your face in punk beezsch lol and if you do simply vote below, all votes are anny`s duhh lol and oo yeah ughhwy they put Lil Wayne in a weak cate soo i had to vote for him no FAIRR!!

"my lyrics is O`G - when its all said and done you niggas gon Quote me!!"

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