so i was def. a big fan of Belly [ with the old skool NAS && of course DMX ] who could ever 4get that movie?! omg it was the epitome of being the shit!! it was soo NYC GUTTA and it just made me wanna watch it over and over thats 1 reason why i wasnt going to add this to my blOg - simply because this movie [ BELLy II ] havent been getting near nor as much HYPE as the 1st BELLY so why is it a seQual?! does it at least have something to do with the first least?!
well the main reason i am posting this is because...
1 . Game represent my Home State - California
2 . Mannn he is so effin SEXYY!!
but if you are a Game fan than oooo yeahh go && cop the movie which is out now!! also The Game recently addressed the Westside Connection rumors and discussed his retirement plans and beef with Jay-Z during an interview with Chino of Phoenix’s 104.7.
Reports surfaced earlier this year that The Game would be joining Westside Connection as a replacement for Mack 10. Westside Connection was initially comprised of Mack 10, Ice Cube and WC. Mack 10 would leave the group after a disagreement with Ice Cube.
The Game shot down the reports of joining the group and said he wouldn’t want to be a part of it.
“I don’t know where that came from. That had to come from somebody on the internet. They probably read Mack 10 and Cube were having problems and just put it out there thinking putting me in Westside Connection would be dope,” said Game. “Westside Connection is iconic without me. I would just like to see Mack 10, Ice Cube and WC. They can’t do it without Mack 10”.
As far as groups are concerned, The Game revealed he would like to revive MC Eiht’s legendary group, Compton’s Most Wanted.
“I’ve been talking to MC Eiht about doing Compton’s Most Wanted on Blackwall Street. I’m really looking forward to doing that. I talked to Eiht the other day and we really thought about it strategically,” Game explained. “We want to do Compton’s Most Wanted with a couple of features and really make it a classic. That right there is something I wanna do.”
Game also confirmed that his upcoming album, LAX, would be his last one. The rapper blamed the state of hip hop for his decision but said recent releases from Lil Wayne and Nas have given him a reason to keep rapping.
“I’m just tired with the way hip hop is going right now its just ugly,” Game said. “We’ll see what the next phase of hip hop shows and maybe ill be part of it, maybe I wont.”
interview is curtosey of my fave game site Hurricane Game