ha! and yall thought only i was obsessed with this bajan cutie . not even Rihanna has certainly been making a name for her self and trust me she's being reward for it at the top of the charts! and i do mean at the top . with her two singles Take a Bow, holding it down at number 6 on Eup. Billboards 86 for If i never see your face again and the newest Head invader Disturbia, shooting up the billboards and landing at number #1 on itunes and . and overall # 13 for Good Girl Gone Bad album . and we can't forget her award winning 07 Legs .
Ashanti even recently commented on Rihanna's success . by saying "i’d hear a song on the radio and wish mine was next . but i respect a lot of the artists who’ve come along since I was out, especially Rihanna . she’s smart and she’s worked the business instead of having the business work her ." look at Rihanna getting props from the vets .
now this time around she is smiling because of her tummy! toping the charts as number 1 for Hollywoods most Sexiest Stomach [ by Anti bloat ] is none other than Lil miss Fenty!
i told yall, once Beyonce takes a break Rihanna was taking over . and kid you not, she is now the top singer out . sooo, if you think her fire will die anytime soon "Please! Just Cut It Out!" and fellas sorry i doubt Chris Brown is sharing .
speaking of Chris Brown and Rihanna, rumors have been floating that the two Love birds had spliting! which isn't the case, seeing how the two have been taking a family vaca since the last week in July! hiting up the theme parks and hitting the sunny beach with the Brown Family, mainly on the eastcoast [ maryland ] but that don't mean the paparaazziii have been sleeping in . and she recently went to nyc this past weekend to support chris at his performance show . so this rumor is obviously FALSE, leave the hottest couple right now alone!