Heath Ledger may be the reason why the weather is so hot . he is smiling from all of the success his movie is getting!! and get this its only been TEN DAYS!! this movie has broke China's Box Office Record and already broke U.S. Box Office Record within the first week it was out Sale'n $ 440 Million worldwide, and
$ 75 Million just last weekend . remember a weekend is only THREE DAYS [ friday - sunday ] and $ 75 Million dollars worth of tickets was brought?! and to think my lame-o ass still haven't seen it i am sooo sorry Heath & Batmannn, [ cause Jojo know i love me some Batman & Heath Ledger! maybe even more than Rihanna lol i said maybe ]

E! was the first to annouce Mr Movie Fone saying HEATH LEDGER aka THE JOKER should be getting an Oscar, alotta people think this movie is getting OVERLY BUZZED BECAUSE THE RECENT DEATH OF MR LEDGER which isn't the Case seeing as Heath Ledger would be deserving of this award if he was ALIVE puhh-leezz tell me you have seen a better JOKER?! i mean the joker is a VILLIAN not a purple and green loving CLOWN and Heath gave us the DARK side of the VILLIAN and the Dark Knight...he Brought the Joker to life for the first and sadly the last time :'(

Matilda May not have her father anymore but believe me she is caring a BIG LEGEND in her last name, and i bet when she get old she cannot feel more blessed x happy & i can only hope Kim Ledger & the Ledger family is so proud of their Son/Brother/Cousin/Uncle/Nephew their Heath Ledger! thank you once again for allowing your BLESSING to be shared with the world, i am soo thankful to have experienced seeing Heaths Work, not Live or Personally but through Movies, and TV .