1O . Ashanti & Nelly, i know these two are kinda like a D - List couple compared to Jay - z & Beyonce, but they are sooooo CUTE!! they don't really get publicized to much, but that's great considering if they want to do a little PDA!! seeing how we haven't seen these two vacationing off the coast in awhile and a thousand x 4 rumors + stories of Nelly dogging Ashanti out by cheating on her numerous times we thought all hope was gone . until the BET awards when her story changed from good friend to "GOOD GOOD" friend *winks* cause she got that "GOOD GOOD" speaking of "GOOD GOOD" her Beau Nelly happens to not only be IN the video the two actually share a KISS and coincidentally Nelly's "Body On Me" single/video drops feat. ASHANTI and akon and Nelly happens to touch her upper body part during the end and she giggles her happy giggle and grabs his hand and pulls her baby away from the camera, some may say PUBLICITY STUNT seeing how her album sold nearly to shit and since then she's been like EVERYWHERE tryna SALE RECORDS but whatevers the case these two Happy and in Love people are going strong and i totally LOVE IT!! Ashanti and Nelly's personality matches so well its ridiculous and they hold down spots in my rnb and rap music taste!

9 . Ladies of The Hills, so monday nights is no longer the only nights these chicks are available! we have them all over gossip magazines and TMZ! we just can't wait until Aug. 16th to peep these chickas, well at least i can ;) . specially with the Newest rumor : Lauren Conrad didn't make her designs + she can't even sketch nor get this SEW!! speaking of clothing mainly all the girls have a line out Heidi Montag = Heidiwood, Whitney Port = Eve & A, and of course our beloved Lauren Conrad = The Lauren Conrad collection, and the forgotton room mate Audrina Patridge = working on a film! and recently talked about Lauren bosworth aka Lo' graduating from UCLA . but if you still can't get enough stay glued to your daily gossip column & remember August 16th! August 16th! c'mon MTV!!

8 . Mariah Carey, recently broke everybodies hearts following her marriage to Nick Cannon i bet everybody was screaming POP FICTION..but so not! and actually brought more attention to herself but trust me she didn't even need it!! her singles from her album so far sounds BOMB, Touch My Body, Bye Bye, & of course Ill Be Loving You Long Time feat our Rap King T.I. and yes fellas the tattoo is still there...does it matter what she sees in Nick? nope! all that matters is she's happy, still making hits, and keeping the 19 yr old girls [ like me ] jealous of her body! ughh!

7 . Kim Kardashian, i swear this lil lady has been everywhere since her sex tape showdown with singer Ray J to late night clubbing with Paris Hilton . the real question is can she be stopped? ever since her sex tape it seems like every little rumor that comes about is affairs! her sleeping with half of Hollywood! her silicon Tush! and if her and Reggie Bush are married? Engaged? Breaking up? either way nobody can get enough of Kimberly, but her Family! lol just ask mediatakeout.com, they're bigger whores than they claim Kim to be!

6 . Britney Spears, i am so a fan of Miss Spears ever since her first album emerged and ive been holding her down ever since! and with her appearance on shows, her fitness contract, her current surrendur of custody to K-Fed, and her 2nd Comeback underworks we can't help but keep wisphers going about our beloved Britney, i mean i can't lie Britney was the shit! ask The Dream .

5 . Chanel - Iman, yess my California native had to be on this list of hot shots! you won't believe she said she enter the SUPER model of the world contest as a joke, and now 1 year later the girl is known for keeping Black* on the runway! not only do she have "legs for days" she has compaigns & covers for days! i saw her ads posted all over express 2 months ago she can't be beaten, go on Nel rep Ca .

4 . Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, omg becky its Miley! and even tho i hate to admit it, she is like so freaking popular! she's probably even beating Soulja Boy Tell'em with the Utube channel views! this girl is like the modern day Olsen Empire, little girls just love her and sometimes envy her cause she gets to hang with the jonas brothers!! sooo, wait tell me again is it Hannah or Miley you want?!

3 . The Jonas Brothers, okay i so love these guys they are Handsome & Talented! and they've recently been selected to open for their first ever Vma attendance and mastered every rock gawd's dream to grace the covers of Rollingstone, and these guys aren't even old enough to drink yet! and of course you know your hot when you have the ladies buzzin all over you, like Lauren Conrad's pick is Joe Jonas & Kim Kardashian and Miley have a lot in common and no its not their dark locks its their choice of Nick Jonas! so wether its little girls screaming or Beverly Hills own hot shots, something tells me at age 21, they will be unstopable!

2 . Rihanna, okay she is sooo not on the top of the list because she's my fave, and i feel she can beat Beyonce & take her space any day yeahh like no way lol . she's up on top because she is everybodies fave! gracing the covers of Vogues, In style, Cosmo, & Elle . just think this 2O yr old Phenom just emerged on the scene 3 yrs ago, 4 Cds 1 shirt & 12 videos ago . she conquered fans from Me to even Ali Lohan and with a Movie Script in the works a hot better half aka Chris Brown and a Bright goal of a Clothing Line and Family something tells me this star can only get brighter!

1 . Heath Ledger, omg yesss! this amazingly talented ACTOR is on the tip of everybodies tongues which is weird seeing how his movie [ The Dark Knight ] has been out for 8 days [ July 18th, 2008 ], what other movie keeps you talking for 8 days?! and in 8 days have Hollywood screaming talks of an "OSCAR!" the movie also had people camping out a day before just to be the first ones to see it!! and yes i believe that Batman is the best superhero but sheez there's gotta be more than Kristen Bale.. ohh, i know how about the Joker? Heath was known for transforming into his characters and he sure did a damn good job at it, cause let me say ive never been more scared of the joker, they're usually green & purple but not Heath Ledger he knew the Joker was a Villian and a Villian he was, a damn good one!! you know some one is great when everywhere you go people are showing gratitude to one of the best actors and everybody is devastated! so when you look on t.v. and they're playing Brokeback Mountain or 1O Things i hate about you, we are constantly reminded of his smile and talent...ughh, why couldn't they had done this when he was still with us?! god bless Matilda Ledger & the Ledger family, thank you for sharing your blessing with us! Heath's Memory will live on . 1979 - 2008 .

so if you have been living on planet earth for the past months, than you can def. agree that these 1O people have been making a name for themselves so if you hate them you gotta love them cause everybody else do!