Miley "Hannah Montana" Cyrus has took Vlogging to another level . besides her dance battles and horrible acting crazy tactics, on her world famous UTube page this young Hollywood it has took into VIRTUAL BULLYING!! to little Miss Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place!! is she jealous because i watch Wizards and not Hannah Montana?! not our far you are Wack a Licious!!

okay wait is she hating because selena is wayyy HOTTER and she is sooo much a BETTER SINGER and she's the leading Lady in the New Jonas Brothers Burning up video ohh Puhh - Leezz Miley Cyrus you are OVER RATED and good thing ms Gomez has a little class and didn't decide to back lash her on her own U tube page...and she adressed the subject as something the media "Overly" did!

but its still the fact that Miley little ass feels LOW enough to even say it knowing she saw the Cyber Bullying commercials "if you won't say it in PERSON don't say it ONLINE" hmm and to think that you are inspiring kids/children!!