i wouldn't mind rocking one of these Paris Shirts . and they all run for the average Forever 21 & H&M prices . so everyone can dress like an heiress, without the heiress zeros!

and dunt forget Nicky Hilton Chick* still being sold worldwide!

and if you haven't already and you want to be famous by spending your life being drapped on Paris Hilton are like a pet monkey or a 3,000 Chanel purse than try your luck at Mtv where the search for Paris Hiltons New BFF continues! where each week or so you get a Question and you have to video blog the response! each contestant, if your more popular you'll get more votes! so remember to smile & be original! you Lovely Bitches, as my Nicole Richie would say .
also speaking of Nicole Richie, our Fierce diva is currently back in the studio she was caught Leaving an LA studio July 21st and have been going to yoga & dance classes! maybe she is going to drop an album like her x bestfriend Paris Hilton? we shall see, cause Dandelion was fire i still play it on my ipod!