* What is it?
Leukemia is a type of Cancer, that begins in the Blood Cells . people with Leukemia bone marrow don't produce regular cells the produce Leukemia Cells into the blood streem . at first Leukemia Cells tend to function like normal cells until too many is produce and blocking the process of white blood cells, red blood cells, & platelets, making it harder for the blood to do its job .
* Types of Leukemia?
the types of Leukemia are grouped by how quickly the disease develops and gets worse . Leukemia is either Chronic (gets worse slowly) or Acute (gets worse quickly) ;
Chronic Leukemia — early in the disease, the abnormal blood cells can still do their work, and people with Chronic Leukemia may not have any symptoms . slowly, Chronic Leukemia gets worse . it causes symptoms as the number of Leukemia Cells in the blood rises .
Acute Leukemia — the blood cells are very abnormal . they cannot carry out their normal work . the number of abnormal cells increases rapidly . Acute Leukemia worsens quickly .
the types of Leukemia are also grouped by the type of white blood cell that is affected . Leukemia can arise in Lymphoid Cells or Myeloid Cells . Leukemia that affects Lymphoid Cells is called Lymphocytic Leukemia . Leukemia that affects Myeloid Cells is called Myeloid Leukemia or Myelogenous Leukemia.
there are 4 common types of Leukemia ;
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (Chronic Lymphoblastic Leukemia, CLL) accounts for about 7,000 new cases of Leukemia each year . most often, people diagnosed with the disease are over age 55 . it almost never affects children .
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, CML) accounts for about 4,400 new cases of leukemia each year . it affects mainly adults .
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, ALL) accounts for about 3,800 new cases of Leukemia each year . it is the most common type of Leukemia in young children . it also affects adults .
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, AML) accounts for about 10,600 new cases of Leukemia each year . it occurs in both adults and children .
Hairy Cell Leukemia is a rare type of chronic leukemia . this booklet does not deal with Hairy Cell Leukemia or other rare types of Leukemia . together, these rare Leukemias account for about 5,200 new cases of Leukemia each year . the Cancer Information Service (1-800-4-CANCER) can provide information about these types of Leukemia .

* What are the treatments?
Anticancer Therapy, to help stop pain .
Chemotherapy & in the Mouth injections in a vein .
* Can people die from it?
yess people can DIE from Leukemia, remember Leukemia is a form of CANCER!! and some destroyes the Blood stream quicker than others, making the body weak and unable to defend itself .

* Where can i donate?
below, i have listed 2 Leukemia Facilities! One helps with all kinds of Sickness, and the other is a Leukemia based Charity made in 2003 by Rapper Nelly and his sister Jackie who was battling with Leukemia, but sadly couldn't beat it . if you made an New Years Resolution to help someone or be an Better person, trust me this is a good start .
* Website Link ;
Leukemia & Lymphoma Soceity
* Address x Donations ;
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
1311 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
Tel: (800) 955-4572
Fax: (914) 949-6691
Mail donations to:
P.O. Box 4072
Pittsfield, MA 01202
* Website Link ;
Jes us 4 Jackie
* Address x Donations ;
For More Information:
Phone: 1-888-211-2775 or 1-314-531-3346
Fax: 1-314-743-4260
Make Checks payable to:
4Sho4Kids Foundation
c /o JesUs4Jackie
7800 Forsyth Ave.
Clayton, MO 63105
rest in peace to my loving grandmother Mary :'(, Nelly's sister Jackie, and to all the other victums who fall short of victory by fighting Leukemia and or any other type of Cancer!!