* . Mr & Mrs Carter .

Sean "Jayz, Jigga man, Hova" Carter aka Mr Knowles Officially Flaunts a Gold Ring on his Wedding Finger oOhh Girll he's finally after 8O2567389 years Claiming Miss Beyonce "Sasha McCreole" Knowles . He nonchalantly talkes on the Celly smiling when he could be chopping it up to the wifey, whom is also in the news not for a new movie & not for singing can you say yo yo - MC Bey?
so rumors has it that Mrs. Carter & Mr. Carter has recorded a RAP track together well that's what
Media Fake Out is claiming!! saying that even tho her camp is tryna keep it on the Hush Hush it will be leaked very soonn .
but i thought she always rapped? until she started doing that "whooo oo oo o o oo" on crazy in love but if she don't what the hell she doing in Upgrade U? sounds like lowkey rapping to me...and rapping is really like writting and talkin fast the girl got it!! she aint freestyling so it takes no real work just a bomb writter . as for Jigga hmm...can we hear the end for Him Beyonce & his so called next to the throne LIL WAYNE!!! got damn and if some of these rappers is getting signed i kno damn well bey nasty can drop some lol .
but with comments like :
if she gets the oppurtunity i think she might do porn. this chick will do anything for the $$$$
didn't she rap/sing on mtv carmen? bey stick to singing!
if she farts on a track people will run out and get her music .
duhh look who she's married to?
i mean the girls chances seem to be 5O/5O to me regardless of the talent people will buy as long as you cute! so in order for beyonce to fail Jay need 2 impregnant her or cut her bald and grow a big hairy mole until then work it honey!
* . Ne-yo on LinLo .

Ne-yo has said OFFICIALLY he produced and wrote not 1 or 2 but SEVERAL Lindsay Lohan tracks on her brand new album this young hollywood diva has been working really hard skipping out on Sam's Kisses and drinking obbsessively! Ne-yo said at first he was pretty skeptical but once he heard the tracks she did his doubt went all away .
Ne-yo "she did the songs and i had to eat my words to the point i had to call and try to appoligize"
* . Kim Kardashian, the pussy!

Cat...that is! come on mind out of the gutter! this little limelight Diva, and Future Mrs Bush [ sorry ladys she's already planning her another WEDDING!! ] Has said Exclusively that august 15th 2008, in vegas kim kardashian will be a pussy cat doll . oo word soo you mean to tell me besides getting IMPLANTS making PORN posing half NUDE in AD's and posing red carpet with her ass poked up? i didn't know, well from the show we all know her moms can dance but can she actually Dance & Sing? and at the same time? I'm just saying she has been friends with Paris..duhh!
Taylor Swift

got her diploma in the mail & graduated with all A's so she tells E! couldn't walk the stage cause she is on tour . omg when you thought she couldn't get any better, she play guitar drop dead gorgeous and now she's a Scholar!! she can never lose . Congrads miss Swift!