welll its not really a video hmmp!! its a performance from the O8 Mtv Movie Awards...yess imkicking it real brand nu lmao...well this is of Chris Breezy && Mike Meyers dance battle!! and when Chris was rocking his Mohawk awwee sooo stylishh!! and i love the first picture he looks like an effing baby!! you go boooy and he had gigs welps!! this is a good way to start off LABOR DAY!! hope you all enjoyed it cause i didnt....i had to work and now im tired sooo im off to bed <333>damn`it i just wrote all that and realized that the video was no longer available!!soooooooooo i got something better MUCHHH BETTER still MTV!! but the 2007 VMASeven thooo he sucked at LYMP SYNCING he killed it with the performance and him and his boo boo rihanna showing JAY && bEY how its done!!
cali product . fidm student . music junkie . art lover . multi talent . tattoo addict . open to everything . world muse . buddha follower . married to laughing . vintage hunter .
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