F l a r e d J e a n s,
are def making a BIG comeback, maybe even BIGGER than the wide bottoms they have!! from Colored to just plain JEAN these old school friends are Revamping into the new kids on the block!!

Colored Skinny Jeans,
like this Uni-Sexual trend is wide spreading to every gay straight bi lez person in america!! from people like Lil Wayne ta Kanye West ta Rihanna and even her beau Chris Brown!! what do guys see in this trend?! and i do mean guys as in DUDES?! it seems so gay to see a guy wearing them lol well hey whatever floats your boat RIIIIGHT?!

Blackberry Curves,
this lil mobile devviiice is soooooooo much heavily adapted than a Sidekick && an Iphone?! what its more chozen over and IPHONE!! and to think this time last yr it wasnt one of the most demanded device!! people like ALL OF HOLLYWOOD HAS ONE like [ the kardashian family, rihanna, chris brown, monta ellis, lebron james, lauren conrad, Lo bosworth, diddy, and all of hollywood like i previously mentioned lol ] so here are some of the cuttttttttest moments in Blackberry history lol AWE

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